Energy Healing for Total Well-being

Ready to experience the profound benefits of our energy healing services?

Reach out to us today and take the first step towards holistic well-being. Discover how we can guide you on your unique path to a balanced, vibrant, and fulfilled life. Contact us today.


Energy Healing: Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique designed for stress reduction, relaxation, and healing. This practice is centered around the concept of an unseen "life force energy" flowing through us, essential for our vitality and well-being. Through the "laying on hands" technique, Reiki therapy helps balance this life force energy. A high life force energy can enhance happiness and health, while low levels may lead to sickness or stress. Our Reiki service comprehensively addresses the entire body, targeting mental, emotional, and physical aspects to move stagnant energy and promote overall healing.

Healing by Us:

Our service offers the unique advantage of distance healing, complemented by intuitive and clairvoyant abilities, making our approach to Reiki distinct. This means clients can receive insights beyond the typical energy massage, possibly relating to past lives or ancestral connections. This facet of our service opens up the space for accessing quantum field information, enhancing the healing experience. Each session is a bespoke journey, guided by the energy flow and client needs. While the healing process is dynamic, we ensure consistent protection of the space through rituals and securely close each session, preserving the client's energy integrity.

Energy Work:

As an intuitive healer with a connection to various clair senses, clients receive an enriched experience. Our sessions may incorporate sound, color, and physical crystals to facilitate healing, tailored to individual needs. We honor the organic nature of each session, following where the energy leads, and using the energy of the elements as a tool for healing and cleansing.

  • Radiant Healing: Experience a sense of glowing radiance and well-being during and after treatments.
  • Holistic Approach: Treats the whole person - body, emotions, mind, and spirit.
  • Relaxation and Peace: Promotes deep relaxation, enhancing feelings of peace and security.
  • Complementary Therapy: Can be used alongside other medical or therapeutic techniques to enhance recovery and relieve side effects.
  • Wide-Ranging Effectiveness: Proven to aid in healing a broad spectrum of illnesses and improve overall health.
  • Accessible and Safe: Suitable for everyone, offering a simple, natural method of spiritual healing and self-improvement.

Guided Meditation & Merkaba Activation

Guided Meditations offered in 121 or Group Sessions "Clinical studies show that the benefits of regular meditation include…

  • A significant reduction in the physiological symptoms of stress
  • Improved quality sleep
  • Increased physical energy
  • Increased motivation and sense of purpose
  • Assisting in the treatment of illness and disease
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Balancing hormones
  • Regulating weight

Self Ease Solutions offers reiki healing across Mississauga, Toronto, Brampton, Oakville, and virtually worldwide.